Sunday, August 12, 2012

Yard games

We've been spending a lot of time in the yard this summer. It's a little harder to mobilize with two kids that have conflicting nap schedules. But Ben has been inventing some pretty amazing games to keep us busy. Recent additions to the docket include: 'Bus Bump' (where you spin your t-ball apparatus upside-down until it bonks into something, and then you yell 'Bus Bump!!' and run away), 'Arugula is Not Delicious' (Ben is suspended high on his swing until he admits that arugula is delicious and then he is let go), and 'Rock Crusher' (which is just what it sounds like and involves a rock-crushing machine that Ben made from cardboard and masking tape).

And then there's this gem, called 'Fan Boy Hat' for some undisclosed reason:

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