Saturday, July 20, 2013

beach house 2013 - last day

The week at the beach house went by way too fast. Ben's friends Claire and Clem came to visit on the last day. The beach was small but not crowded, with calm waves and nice sand. Perfect for little kids!

Ben finally got pretty brave in the water with the help of a life vest. 

Sand castles! Well, sort of.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

beach house july 2013 - part 2!

mmmm lobster...and more boats...and more beach! plus a visit from Rosie & Charlie...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

beach house july 2013

This year we headed north to Gloucester (much easier than south to the Cape!) Our first couple of days were spent exploring near the house and going on a whale watch.

Frankie was a real trooper. She was pretty suspicious of the boat at first, but eventually go her sea legs.

Ben was super excited to see some whales, and remembered all of the details about this particular humpback whale named "Nile". He totally surprised us by using his loud voice to shout a question up to the captain! Usually he's so shy, but his love of whales overcame that. He asked "how deep do humpbacks go?" Then drew a picture of Nile and took a nap the rest of the way back to the dock.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

car wash drawing for Grandpa

Happy Birthday Grandpa from Ben (it's a car wash).

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Portland trip

The kids and I took a trip up to Portland to visit our dear friends Abby, Ted, Rosie and Charlie, who moved away from our block last month. We had an amazing time visiting and spending time on their neighborhood beach.

Frankie flies