Monday, August 27, 2012

Cape weekend

We went to the cape last week for a couple of nights. The kids had a great time! 

Frankie was really into the beach sand. If only she would stop eating it!

There was a great playground with a huge pirate ship. Ben got to enjoy it all by himself for a couple of hours, which to him meant 'time to take my clothes off!'

We went on a boat ride to see seals. Ben loved the boat ride, and the seals.

 Frankie was a pretty cute cabana baby. She even managed to nap on a chaise lounge, as one should on a beach vacation.

Cuteness on the lawn:

They were pretty wiped out after all that.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Yard games

We've been spending a lot of time in the yard this summer. It's a little harder to mobilize with two kids that have conflicting nap schedules. But Ben has been inventing some pretty amazing games to keep us busy. Recent additions to the docket include: 'Bus Bump' (where you spin your t-ball apparatus upside-down until it bonks into something, and then you yell 'Bus Bump!!' and run away), 'Arugula is Not Delicious' (Ben is suspended high on his swing until he admits that arugula is delicious and then he is let go), and 'Rock Crusher' (which is just what it sounds like and involves a rock-crushing machine that Ben made from cardboard and masking tape).

And then there's this gem, called 'Fan Boy Hat' for some undisclosed reason:


Everyone around here has been enjoying the fresh fruits and veggies that come at this time of year. Ben is especially into corn on the cob, and his sister is apparently following suit.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Lego addiction

Is there a toddler rehab for Lego addiction?